
100 billion - the real cost of absenteeism and what can be done to prevent it

100 billion - the real cost of absenteeism and what can be done to prevent it

billion - the real cost of absenteeism

A recent report from the UK national director for health and work, Dame Carol Black, said the yearly cost of worklessness and sickness absence amounts to over 100 billion.

This figure is more than the annual NHS budget.

In addition, the report found that three percent of the working population are off sick at any one time.

Dame Carol Black said: "For most people their work is a key factor in their self-worth, family esteem and identity.

"So if they become sick and are not helped quickly enough,hogan vendita, they can all too easily find themselves on a downward spiral into long-term sickness and a life on benefits."

She said the aim of the report was to identify problems and offer potential solutions for employers and their employees.

A new Fit for Work scheme to help tackle long-term absenteeism has been proposed by the NHS in conjunction with the report.

Services proposed include providing in the workplace physiotherapy, debt counselling, physical training and relationship advice and counselling.

Another proposal from the report is introduce electronic "fit notes" in place of paper-based sick notes. These fit notes will tell people what they can do instead of what they cannot do.

Commenting on the report and its proposals the Commercial Occupational Health Providers Association said: "Employers are in a unique position of being able to educate, motivate and support their employees in understanding and actively maintaining their fitness and wellbeing."

A survey conducted by Business in the Community last year reported that one-third of employees believe their health is neglected in the workplace, reports Personnel Today.

A further fifty-five per cent claimed they had suffered from stress and depression and twenty-two percent had had panic attacks.

In February this year, health secretary Alan Johnson called for employers make the general health and wellbeing of their staff a higher priority.

He said back pain alone can cost companies 600 million pounds a year as sufferers take an average of seventeen days off annually with the complaint.

As an example of a company attempting to address health issues in the work place, Mr Johnson referred to Somerset county council.

The council recently invested 339,000 in identifying and tackling stress among its employees and managed to reduce the average annual absence rate by two days. Although this might not sound like a lot,MBT Imara Schuhe, the council now makes an annual saving of 1.9 million.

GlaxoSmithKline is another company which introduced a programme to look at resilience in the workplace. As a result of its efforts it managed to increase productivity by thirteen percent.

In addition,Mbt Sandalen Tabia, the pharmaceutical company experienced a twenty-nine percent reduction in days lost as a result of mental ill-health caused by work.

Back in May the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) published a guide on how to promote health through physical activity in the workplace.

The guide said increasing physical activity can help to prevent or manage over twenty different conditions including obesity,Mbt Schuhe Haraka, diabetes and heart disease.

It recommended making a company-wide policy on exercise so that all employees can get involved. Suggestions include enforcing a non-smoking environment, creating opportunities for employees to ride a bike to work and providing information on local sporting activities and clubs.

SmokeFree,Mbt Sandalen Pia, a website from the NHS, suggested employers provide support to help their staff members quit the habit.

Repetitive strain injury is another common work-related injury complaint.

It can appear in the neck, shoulder, wrist or hand and can be caused by adopting a static posture or spending long amounts of time on one activity.

NHS website Healthy Working Lives said the condition led to 4.1 million days taken off in 2001 and around 396,000 people in the UK said they were suffering from the condition in the same year.

Research from Microsoft found that cases of repetitive strain injury increased by thirty percent in 2007 and has cost businesses more than 300 million from lost working days.

Of the people surveyed, sixty-eight per cent said they suffered from pain in their backs, shoulder or wrists.

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